Previous Projects

Portfolio (You are here)

I was responsible for front-end dev. It's written in HTML, CSS with CSS functions.

See my project on Github!

Nurses 💖 Deliveries

My first coding work, a prototype of a donation-based delivery service for healthcare workers. It's written in HTML, and simple CSS & Javascript tags within.

See my project on Github!

Creature Hub

First foray into JavaScript and back-end development, a simple app that fetches from an API to display a collection.

See my project on Github!

To-Do List App

jQuery mini-project, used to display knowledge in JavaScript libraries.

See my project on Github!

myFlix DB

Server-Side no-SQL databse created with Node.js & Express that performs CRUD on movies and user data through various endpoints. Security measures such as authorization, JWT authentication and password hashing used. Hosted on Heroku.

See my project on Github!


Client-side application for myFlixDB, created with React & Redux with both class and functional components. Styling done with React Bootstrap and hosted on Netlify.

See my project on Github!

Code Club

A Progressive Web Application, developed with TDD, built with React, run on AWS Lambda (serverless). Uses Google Calendar API and OAuth2 authentication flow to fetch upcominge events in a example event calendar. Code Club has alerts created with the OOP paradigm & uses Recharts for data visualization.

See my project on Github!